tirsdag den 8. november 2011

3rd Week in Kenya - Working, shopping in Machakos

3rd week in Kenya

Monday was a long working day with Richard (Mavisi), Christine and Charles coming from the Ministry to Machakos working with us as a team all day. We divided the tasks in between us and worked around the hotel to get Internet, room for conference calls and discussions. By 7 pm dinner was ready by our own chef Richard. He had cooked Indian dinner for us - it was so tasty and good variation to get something else than African food. My stomach had given me trouble the last couple of days but after Richard's food I'm all settled.

Me in the tailor
Tuesday was yet another working day the entire team here in the hotel. Pressure was on to get the midterm review presentation ready for Wednesday. With good teamwork and efficiency at the end, we managed to be ready at 5 pm. I
was going to town to get the skirt from the tailor that I have ordered on Sunday. The girls went to town and found the tailor. Even they had measured me on Sunday, the skirt was 3 size too small, and the tailor had to change it. That was down on the street with the remaining daylight and a petroleum lamp. While waiting the skirt to be ready we took a walk in Machakos. This town is just a mixture of very old Kenya and newer Kenya with cars and fancy super markets.

After buying more stuff we went back to the tailor - where the skirt now was ready for the final test and final ironing. The iron was very old and heat was made with coal - no electricity. The skirt was now a perfect fit and I paid 1200 Schilling (around 72 DKK) for a hand-made tailored skirt. It was now getting late, dark and very raining and fortunately we meet Alex from DOT and he hired a matatu -being the Kenyan taxi/bus. We all 5 got into this very little wan and drove the little piece of road to the hotel. But it was a fun experience. I don't think there was any springs left in this old car. But we all got home safe and dry and with a good laugh


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