søndag den 6. november 2011

Second weekend in Kenya

Second weekend in Kenya
Saturday started early with take off to Lake Nakuru, where 6 of #ibmcsc Kenya 4 team headed off for another safari around the lake. We wanted to see the Rhino - so we had the Big Five.

After another long drive we came to the Lake and sure did we see all the animals.
7 Rhinos in all, and one of them (the big male one) passed just next to our car.

The natur around the big lake was very much different from the savannah we saw on last weekend safari in the Masei Mara.
This was more like the jungle and many beautiful flowers. Beyond the Rhino, we saw  lot of bamboos, zebras, buffaloes and not at least the flamingos which the Lake is famous for. Millions of pelicans were at the lake and was an amazing view.

We were very closed to the animals driving with Julius in a normal car, so when some big buffaloes where to pass the road we waited in secure distance. Going back without any food since our breakfast stop at the Java House, we headed again for dinner at that place.

Sunday first relaxing day. No alarming waking up in the morning, easy breakfast, planning next weekend safari and doing some emails . We had a good lunch at the hotel at then we went for a walk in the mountains around Machakos. The area around is very beautiful and the people we meet were so friendly. All the children called "jambo" and wanted to shake hands and have their photo taken. Laughing all over when they saw themselves on the picture. We meet 4 ladies coming from church and they gave us a little song in the middle of the road.
We saw coffee plants - and tasted that the beans non roasted is nothing like the well-known coffee bean. We walked for more than 3 hours being a relief from the last 2 weeks driving in cars and wans.

Looking forward to the next week here in Machako. 

RA: #ibmcsc #kenya4

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